Look how much I've grown.......
Age: 2...well almost
Date: 7/8/2013
Weight: 24.8 lbs (27%)
Length: 33" (52%)
Head Circ: 49.6cm (93%)
She was so good at the Dr. The nurses as always are in love with her. She shed a few tears from the shot and the next thing I know we have two nurses in the room. One with a bucket of toys and the other with suckers. She picked two toys, two suckers and bam those tears were gone! She was cracking the doctor up because she was counting then throwing the bouncy ball across the room. She also at one point said "oh no mom the ball is rolling" Her doctor said her vocabulary is quite advanced for her age. She's a smarty pants! She's as healthy and possible and we don't have to go on for another checkup until she turns 3! Which means no more shots until then......awesome! She is pretty hilarious right now. She can count to 10 in English and Spanish. She knows all her letters and can sing her ABC's. She knows several colors and shapes. She talks about anything and everything. She sings constantly, her favorite songs right now are all Disney princess songs. She loves watching movies. We had her cousin sleep over this past Friday night and took them to see Despicable Me 2, Mya clapped and said YAY! when it was over. She had a lot of fun! We are talking to her a lot about using the big girl potty. I think we will start that training soon. It is just crazy she is not a little baby anymore.....it is fun but makes me sad too. She loves playing with her babies, she reads them stories and fixes them dinner. She has memorized several of her books so sometimes Nick and I get read to at night instead of the other way around! She loves doing things by herself and helping me with anything and everything. We have two little girls that live next to us that have become her good friends. She is really sweet and has a big heart even at her young age. She loves when Nick gets home and he lets her drag him all over the house doing whatever she wants him to! She has a favorite stuffed animal Eeyore and he comes everywhere with us. My mom and dad bought it for her at Disneyland and he has been right by her side ever since. We even got him his own collar and leash so she can take him on walks with us. She was using Louie's before and one day told me that Eeyore needed his own. I will have to post a picture of this......she catches a lot of attention when Eeyore gets walked at the store or wherever we are. As if she needs another reason to catch more attention than she already does! We love this girl more than anything and have had the best two years of our lives taking care of her and watching her grow!
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