Friday, January 17, 2014


Ahhh how cute is this....she's growing up! 

Jan 14, 2014 was Mya's first day of dance class. Oh my goodness it was the cutest thing EVER! I was fighting back tears the whole time. She was really good, she listened, tried to do all the moves and had so much fun! Literally the second it was over she came running over to me and said "mommy dance was so much fun" it was precious! All the moms were dying over her cause she was quite funny she kept telling the teacher to look at how good she was doing  She is AWESOME! 

Pixie dust away!

Mya is in love with the show Jake and the Neverland Pirates right now. Mya's favorite character is a little pirate girl named Izzy. Izzy wears a little necklace that Peter Pan gave her with pixie dust in there in case of an emergency and they need to fly! Nick had a brilliant idea to make her a pixie dust necklace. We did this as part of our FHE and she was in heaven. We made one for her and one for me, I have not been able to take mine off since we made them as per her request! We walk around the house pretending to throw pixie dust and we say "pixie dust away" just like Izzy! She's hilarious and has a HUGE's very cute! 

Fun FHE!

Special visit!

I LOVE this pic of you two! It's goin in a frame! 

Thank you so much for coming to see us! I worry sometimes when you leave that you must be thinking we are crazy and so obsessed with our child.....sorry! It's true we are pretty obsessed with her and think that everything she does is overly amazing! 

She's enjoyed all of your gifts....the fart gun has been especially popular! The first thing she asked me is if she could show my brother Codie....she knows we are always yelling at him for farting! He's such a! I love that you will just come and hang with us, I could sit and talk to you all day long! We love hearing the college stories (I especially enjoyed the pic of your cute boy, go ahead and give him a hug for me...ha ha;) You are sweet for always making time for us. 

Also I LOVE the book you made for's so sweet! I was thinking if you do another one you should add pics of you in there so she can see what you were doing during these years too. Everything you do is pretty impressive. :) We love you and appreciate you more than ever! Thanks again for the visit and the spoiling you did for Mya.