Wednesday, November 30, 2016

March 2016

We were dying to go swimming as soon as it started getting even a little bit warmer!

We also love to sit outside with a popsicle!

Disney on Ice Frozen!!!! This is one of Mya's favorite things to go to!

Helping Grammy Pammy bake treats for young womens!

I got to go with Sierra to the temple when she took her endowments out! We went to the Payson one it was beautiful! This mama LOVES the temple!  

Preschool field trip to the BYU Bean Museum

Major selfie session! It is always my favorite to find these on my phone! 

Dying Easter eggs with her neighbor friends!

Happy Easter!!

Koby kissing my belly! He was so cute from the very beginning about his brother! It was very clear they knew each other in heaven! 

February 2016

First picture of little Fitz!!

Happy Valentines Day!
Happy 31st birthday to this cute guy!!!! 

We hung out here a lot during the first few months of my pregnancy cause I was sooooooo tired and sick sometimes too! WORTH IT!

Gotta love all these selfies!

January Fun!

Koby, Koby, Koby!!! Mya was not amused by this! This happened while Mommy was gone and Daddy was in charge of course! 

Yes this princess has an entourage that she must sleep with! Oh yeah and don't forget that beauty mask....she's so funny!
Hanging with the cousins! 

Celebrating my 35th birthday! 
They love their daddy!
Just tea partying it up with my girl!
Mya and her friend Kendall!
Mya and Aaron meeting for the first time!
This was a really good experience for Mya. She felt special and we were dying at how much they look alike. I'm so glad for her that she will have this memory and be able to at least know who her birth father is. He's a piece of her and that's important to us and I know it will be to her too! This was a good night. She asks about him frequently and wonders when she will get to see him. Hopefully someday they will get to meet again! 

Testing her boxing skills at her friend Dylan's house! 

One of the craziest days of my life! This is my first EVER positive pregnancy test. There are no words to describe the feelings I felt this day. I sat in the bathroom and cried and laughed for I don't know how long. This is a dream I had given up on so long ago. I love adoption and I was more than fine with that being the only way I got to have my babies come to me. Every single time I look at this test I remember how much I wanted to see a positive, how much money we spent trying to make this happen! Once we got Mya I didn't care so much about that anymore. After all all I really wanted was the chance to be a mom! You gave me my first opportunity and Mya will always hold a special place in my heart for fulfilling that dream! I got two beautiful children and two amazing birth families that I wouldn't ever want to live without! We got to witness miracles happen as we waited for Mya and Koby to get here. My testimony of prayer, the Lords timing and eternal families has been strengthened so much through our adoption journey. My testimony has been strengthened even more with my unexpected pregnancy. I knew with all my heart that someone was missing after Koby there were lots of times when I didn't even want to admit it, I feel so blessed that I was able to experience this dream of mine to have a giant belly and give birth! I got to prove to myself that there is NO difference in the love I have for my children no matter how they got here, I love them all more than anything, 
First belly picture!