Friday, January 25, 2013

Cutest girl in the world!

She loves walking around the house in Dad's shoes saying "Dada's shoes")

She also likes finding my shoes walking around saying "Mama's shoes" she's so smart!
She loves the days when I bring her chair in the living room and let her watch a movie like The Little Mermaid or Toy Story.
Here's Mya and Cooper playing at our house when I had a shower for Britt.
All the babies love Grandma!
Mya was being a bossy little mama trying to teach Cooper hoe to use her Kareoke machine! She is such a good oldest child! We thrive on being bossy! :)
Look at this Mya's first bloody nose! She tripped and face planted on the ground and her little nose was broke my heart!
My Dad bought Mya this little doll he is called a Woof Poof. Mya takes his and her caterpillar everywhere! She calls him her "oof poof"
Ahh the hat again sometimes she just likes to wear it around the house!
We went to watch her cousin Austin play basketball.
She is seriously in love with him! She calls him "A"
This is a regular part of her day. She reads every single book she has at least once!
This is a shower cap that I use to keep my hair dry in the shower and Mya found it and likes to use it as a!

She was pretty excited about the birthday hats we used for your birthday picture!
Loves to ride on her scooter. We can't wait until it's warm and we can take this outside!

Funny I am writing this I have the baby monitor on since she is supposed to be taking a nap but right now she is in her crib singing to herself! So cute!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

18 Months!

 18 months old!

There's the band aids from her shots!

I took her in for her 18 month old visit today and she was such a good girl! Everyone in the office loves her. We had to see a different Dr. today because Mya's regular one is out on maternity. All the nurses fell right in love. They were actually fighting about who got to come in and give her the shots cause they all wanted to play with her. Like always she was not a fan of the shots but the sweet little nurse brought her 2 suckers and the second she saw those the tears stopped. We had to of course open both suckers one for each hand. She even gave the nurse a high five and a big smile! She doesn't hold grudges! On the way home she was shaking her finger saying "no no shots" then doing the sign language for "all done". I am so glad they have nice nurses, a fish tank and suckers! Even though she gets shots every time we go and hates them she always loves everything else about the Dr.

18 Month Stats...she's getting big!
Date: 1/24/2013
Weight: 22 lbs 7 oz (22%)
Length: 32" (60%) 
Head Circ: 48cm (86%)

She is doing some pretty amazing things right now and changing from a baby to a toddler so fast!

New words: 
Barbie (she says this and it sounds like she has a British accent) so funny!
Zombie (Daddy taught her that!)
Monkey, along with the sound ooo ooo ooo ahh ahh ahh!
Sorry (she says this a lot I think because I say it a lot too. If she bumps you or anything or drops something a sweet "sorry" always accompanies her action!)
Elmo (she has a fascination and a love for Elmo right now)
Train (she loves watching Dinosaur Train about an adopted T Rex)
Jerky (Mya and I eat a lot of this!)
Hobby Lobby (she sounds too cute when she says this)
Nick (she teases Dad all the time by calling him Nick and then laughing) 
Gum (she calls it gum gum, sometimes Nick will give her a small piece of gum and she loves it)
Thanks (She said to me the other day when I got her popcorn "pop pop thanks Mama")
- She is also putting multiple words together and talking somewhat in sentences
- She tries to copy everything we say, it's really funny!
- She also recognizes herself and talks a lot about what she is doing by saying her name and then adding other words to describe what she wants or what she's doing!
New actions: 
- She is running now not just walking! 
- She climbs on everything
- Likes to jump off of her chairs.....I hope this doesn't mean broken bones soon! 
- She is going up and down stairs like a pro
- She now tells me when she is poopy......usually this is not necessary we can smell her right away! ;)
- Knows almost all her body parts (she calls her boobs "boo boos" hmmm guess who taught her that one?)
- Loves helping me clean and fold laundry...hopefully this skill sticks around!
- Loves drawing and putting stickers on things including herself.
- Loves looking at the pictures on my phone and watching videos of herself on there too.
- She does a lot more with her toys now too by making noises with them or walking dolls across her table or floor.

She is just all around getting so smart!! Too smart! We love her and she brings the very most amount of joy into our lives! The last 18 months have been the best months ever for us.


Last night this is what she picked to wear to bed! She loves this Hello Kitty pj shirt. Her favorite commercial is the meow mix one, ya know where it goes meow meow meow meow.....and the cats are singing. She loves to sing that song with the commercial and whenever she sees these jammies. It is so funny! No matter what she is doing if that commercial comes on she runs out to watch the tv, sing and dance! Last night she decided that her hat had to be part of her jammies as well. Not kidding she was even upset after story time when we took the hat off to lay her in bed! She is such a character!! We had to tell her it's ok Mya you can wear the hat tomorrow. Then she said "oh tomorrow" and that was the end of it! It made us giggle pretty good!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh Mya, so cute!

Nick is teaching himself how to play the piano this year and Mya loves to practice with him!

Look at all that hair!

If you notice her baby has a piece of cereal in each hand, she was so funny and kept feeding herself from her babies hands! She is hilarious we LOVE her!
She loves to sing like Ariel into her karaoke machine!

We told you when you came how much she loves to clean! Here's proof, she's so awesome!

This is my favorite, she loves to read...just like her Dad! It makes Nick so happy and makes me smile every time I catch her reading stories to herself in her room.
Yes more cleaning!
She loves wearing Nick's hats. She will pat her head and say "Dada's hat" or "Mya's hat". Such a smarty pants!
Bed time stories, our favorite time together as a family!
She loves Sami and knows how to say her name too. It's so fun to hear her talk!
When she is done eating yogurt with her spoon she just digs the rest out with her fingers! It's pretty funny and messy!
What more can we say we LOVE her so much!!!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tiff's birthday....

Ok so I know you may want to judge me right now but please don''s true I like Justin Bieber. For my 32nd birthday a couple weeks ago Nick bought me tickets to the JB concert here in SLC and I got to take Britt (81/2 month prego Britt!!!!) It was so much fun, very funny at times but still so much fun! It got me thinking how much I can't wait to take Mya to concerts when she gets older!

Nick is the BOMB! We were so excited!!!!!
We were so close it was awesome!
I think I have told you how much of a candy freak I am, my family is all the same way! Britt and I had to have some cotton candy at the concert!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy, Happy Birthday Amy!!

The big 20....

We hope that you had the BEST birthday ever! Miss you and Love you! 

Nick, Tiff & Mya

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas day 2012

Merry Christmas!
Looks like Santa came!!!!

Mya's checking everything out!

She liked helping to open presents! It was so much fun!

Louie got bones in his stocking and Mya enjoyed feeding them to him.

Nick is obsessed with cool socks, that is pretty much all I got him!

This is a key chain Mya and I made for Nick....he loved it!
My cute mom, she loves Mya and when she's around Mya wants nothing to do with anyone else.
Grandma Young got her tons of cute clothes!
She even got some of her favorite black licorice candies from Grandpa Young, she was especially happy about these!
My Dad got her this cute tea sweet!
My parents got her that cute little chair behind her which she LOVES.

Eating olives with Uncle Codie, she calls him "Toie", as you can see she really makes him smile!
This is her new toy chest from the Jarrett's it is so cute and just her size. It's going to look great in her new bedroom!

Aunt Ashley gave her some earmuffs, which she wasn't quite sure how to wear them :) Hey this way would keep her ears warm too!
The Robisons got her a stroller for her babies, she kept trying to get in the stroller herself!
Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett got her a scooter!!!!!

All I can say is this little girl was SPOILED! We had so much fun and she was in heaven! Going to see all of our family and on top of that getting lots of toys and clothes! She didn't even know what do do with herself. It was so much fun!!! She played and played all day, it was pure joy just to watch her light up about everything.