Friday, March 14, 2014

Sending PEACE and LOVE your way!

We wanted to make sure we told you how much we appreciate you!  You are always such a ray of light in our lives and you have NO idea how lucky we feel to have you as part of our family! Thank you so much for listening and helping us as we search for Mya’s next sibling. It’s such a tough and emotional process and you are really great to answer questions, offer to talk to other birth moms as well as make us that cute video for our blog! We are ever more thankful for the relationship that we have with you and we hope that you will always know how much we love you! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful day and thank you SO much for all you do. You are an easy girl to love! We appreciate your amazing example, we feel so proud of you and all you do. 

Peace and love always,

Nick, Tiff and Mya 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Playroom makeover!

This is a growth chart that we will start keeping track of her as she grows! 
Her magnet board is full of family, friends and her artwork! 
I also made the little purse wood skills are increasing slowly but surely!
Mya LOVES this sign! She sings this song frequently. I made it cause this song will forever remind me of her and it goes perfect in her playroom!
My mom and I cut the clouds, sun and kite out of wood! It's really cute having those several things stick out and give the wall some different dimensions! 
I was able to design and do all the lettering for the walls with my vinyl machine!
I made this little shelf in my wood class! Glad it's getting some use. 
I forgot to do a before picture but just imagine nothing on the walls they were just boring gray! We spend so much time in this room since it's where all the toys are and I was getting so sick of the plain walls! I was trying to hold out for a nursery someday but I decided I couldn't wait anymore. Plus I LIVE for doing things like this so when the time comes to change it to a nursery I will gladly change it up! I wanted it to be fun and have lots of shapes, letters, numbers and just be a bright fun place to play. I love how it turned out! I know you are very artistic and love stuff like this and I have been so excited to show you! Mya has been really excited about it too. She will grab my hand and say "mom come see my room, you did such a good job painting it" Or out of the blue she'll say "mom look I have a kite and clouds and a sun in my room, thats so cool". If nothing else those little kind comments make every ounce of this project worth it. I am so in love with our little girl! She makes everything in life better!

Long hair

I had to post these pics! On Sunday I blow dried her hair and then used a flat iron for the first time. Look how crazy long and pretty her hair is. She's so cute! We got to go to Nick's sister's ward and hear our niece Bailee do a solo in was so awesome! Mya was in heaven being with her Grandma and all the cousins. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Potty training at it's finest!

Puzzles on the potty....I promise there is a method to our madness it just took awhile to kick in! 

Big girl!
She still likes to do bubbles on the potty....I say hey whatever keeps her motivated!

Alright potty training is definitely on my list of least favorite things to do! I thought it was going to be so easy and boy was I wrong. She fought pretty hard. I have never seen this stubborn side of her before. After a week of pretty much fighting with her about going potty on the toilet I wanted to give up. I thought maybe she isn't ready? Nick was about to have a 4 day weekend and told me to keep the training going and he would help me those 4 days or even take over if I wanted him to. After staying home for days, lots and lots of pee all over undies and pants, hours of puzzles on the potty, and many reward prizes we decided to back off a bit and try again later. I bought her a little stool to get on the potty herself and I'm not kidding like two days after putting her back in pull ups she started getting on the potty herself and going. We were not having any accidents and she wasn't fighting us anymore! It's like all of a sudden she learned to just hold it! Honestly I have no idea what happened or what clicked it's like she had to wait until it was on her terms. She was a stinker about it! It was clear Nick and I are two potty training dummies who had never done this before, lol it was a circus around here! 

You will now understand why when we tell you we have been SO proud of her this last week!! We're going on over a week with no accidents! She is doing awesome! I took her shopping for a special prize the other day since she is doing so good and she picked a Rapunzel dress and some shoes to go with it. She keeps talking about how she is growing so big and she wants to teach her friends to go potty on the big girl toilet like her. We are officially saying goodbye to diapers/ pullups. This big girl is in undies!  And boy oh boy are we glad the hardest part of potty training for this one is over. :) Maybe we'll do better next time...I certainly hope so anyway!

February's gone....what!

Cooper and Mya at Bentlie's birthday party!
Cooper knows she loves olives and was trying to share with her! They are such good buddies! 
Oh shocking she's eating cake, she loves herself some sugar! She gets it a lot when Grammy's around! :)
Just playing at Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett's house!
Britt and I took the kids to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. We had so much fun!! Other than Mya was pretty terrified of all the dinosaurs. 
Play date with cousins at Arctic Circle's indoor playground! Great for when the kids want the park but it's too cold outside!
This girl LOVES ice cream or pretty much sweets of any kind. She's just like me and the rest of my family there!
Mya was so excited to dress Bentlie up when she came over. She tried to get Cooper to put on a dress and he refused so we got baby B to let us dress her up! Girls are the best!

Notice the jammies you gave her, she will literally only wear two sets of pj's these ones and a similar pink set my mom gave her! This has been going on since Christmas when she got these new pj's! :) She even knows that you gave her these ones. She'll say "I wanna wear the black kitty ones from Amy" So cute and soooo smart!
Playing with her cousin Paislee. She pretty much lives in dress up clothes! She got some for Christmas and one of my friends gave me a whole box of Disney princess dress ups that her daughter doesn't use anymore! Pretty much we could have like 15 little girls over here and they would all have a princess costume......we're so girly in this house! Heaven help us if Mya gets a brother! 
My moms friend made Mya this little Hello Kitty purse. My mom has taken Mya to young womens activities with her a few times and of course she has everyone whipped! Mya rarely goes anywhere without it! I'm telling you this little girl knows how to work it! She's got too many people in the palm of her hand! ;)

Valentines Day! 
Nick sure knows the way to my heart! No really I LOVE to vacuum and I've always wanted a Dyson so this was my Valentines gift from him! He is so sweet I'm such a lucky girl! I may be the only person on the planet that would want a vacuum for Valentines Day but I don't care it made me smile....and it still does! 
Here is the message I left for Mya on her mirror, she was so excited about it! I always leave one on our bathroom mirror for Nick and he loves it so I thought I would leave a little note for moo too! 
Here's what we did for Mya! A little Sophia tent filled with heart balloons and a giant Elsa balloon! She was SO excited to see this when she woke up!  My mom always did the cutest things for us on holidays and I love being able to do things like this for Mya just like my mommy! 

Here's the other pair of favorite pj's! Luckily we have two so I can at least wash one pair while the other one gets worn! 
They all loved the tent!!
I was in charge of decorations for the ward Valentines Day party which was on Valentines Day so this is Mya playing with two of the other girls in our ward while we set up the decorations! We love watching her with other kids, she's so cute with them. That is one of the main reasons we feel like she needs siblings! 
This year just may have been the lowest key Valentines Day ever! Nick took the day off and we just sort of hung out all day! Then as you know we had a great family Valentines dinner at Arbys! We were working really hard on potty training Mya so we just stayed at home most of the day and spent a lot of time working with her.We had so much fun! I love just being able to hang out with Nick and Mya it's really by far my favorite thing to do! Oh and I also vacuumed a lot that day too :)

Happy Birthday Nick!!
Mya was so excited to get Nick this Olof balloon (he's from the movie Frozen) She always tells him he has to like Olof the best and he plays right along with her. When she saw this balloon she said "mommy we have to get that for daddy, he will be so happy" how can you say no to that!
I think he liked it! Especially knowing it was from his favorite little girl! 
Helping Grandma Jody make a salad for Nick's birthday dinner with his family!
She LOVES blowing out candles! Nick was so nice to let her help him out. There's getting to be a lot of candles on that cake so it's hard to do it himself anyway ;)

Mya loves helping people open presents!
We had a birthday dinner for Nick at our house with my family! We had Costco pizza, churros and played the game ticket to ride. Nick is the easiest person to please! It was so much fun spending time with everyone and celebrating my favorite mans day of birth :) We're so thankful for him! 

More dancing...

This dancing stuff kills me! It's so cute! They are learning a dance for their recital in May and it's so much fun to watch.