Friday, June 28, 2013


May 2013
Our trip to NYC!
We let this little monster sleep with us cause you remember that baby jail thing the hotel gave us right? Wow she is a wild sleeper I don't think Nick and I slept much at all with her rolling, kicking and hitting! :)
Had to stop by the infamous Carnegie Deli! We had breakfast and it was delicious!
Central Park is beautiful! Mya loved all the horse carriages.
Oh Nick..... he is such a nerd, he keeps us laughing!!
He was very into these GIANT boxes of candy! We took lots of pics cause my family eats more candy than anyone I've ever met and we knew they would enjoy seeing these :)
It's easy to see Mya had a blast in the FAO Schwartz Toy Store!
Mya's in love with Hello Kitty stuff and was so excited to pick out a "meow meow" as she calls them from the FAO Schwartz toy store! She picked the New York kitty. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her rotten!
The giant piano....I think Mya and I could have stayed there all day we loved it!
How can a girl cry in the Tiffany's store! People were all going crazy watching her carry this bag out and thinking we had just bought her something from here. The lady really liked her and just gave her a little bag.
She can make anything entertaining!
She slept through one of my favorite stores.....Louis Vuitton.
We were so happy to be able to see you!!!
It was great to be able to chill on our room with food and just chat! Thank you for coming to visit us in the city it meant a lot! You had plenty of other things you could have done with your time off and we were thankful you chose to spend some of that time with us!
Nick's mom is so cute! She wanted her picture with Matt Lauer! She is a blast to travel with!!!
We did a bus tour around the city in one of those buses where you can ride on top! It was awesome and we got to see so many cool things!
I know I am one of those crazy people that love the Kardashions. It was awesome to be able to go to their store. The actual store was quite disappointing, there were like 5 security people in this tiny space and only about 4 racks of clothes. They did have some cool mannequins made out of broken mirror pieces.....but for me totally worth it just to go in for a sec.
Here's Mya being watched by Grandma and Grandpa she was in heaven because they gave her ice cream. They were so nice to watch her while we went to see Newsies....oh yeah and I got to eat a real NY hot dog from a vendor!
We took Mya to Toys R Us to get her a New York book. Since she loves to read we try to get her a book about the places we visit each time we go on vacation! We've now added a New York one to the pile! Not even the age of 2 and she has been all over the place!
We were so grateful to have you come to church and brunch with us! You got to see Mya's inability to not get hurt when we go places that we always tell you about! (I'm sure you won't forget when she fell off the highchair backwards!) I have a feeling the ER might be too familiar for this little one!
Getting ready to ride the subway back to the hotel. We had walked for hours in the rain to see the 9/11 Memorial and decided it would be nice to take a dry ride back!
The  9/11 Memorial was incredible. The rain was so fitting for the mood that was there. I am so glad that I got to see it. It made me so thankful for our country and all the people who fight so hard to keep us safe. Also for people willing to give their lives to help others.
West Point! Where do I even begin! That place is beautiful!!! I still can't believe you live there.
We had so much fun riding the train to see you!
Your friend Emily was so sweet to come get us in her car and help give the grand tour! She is darling! We find ourselves calling roundabouts rotaries now thanks to her! :) Your other friends were all so sweet too. Seems like you have a lot of people there who love and support you.
The view from the library is amazing!
I still can't believe that Mya slept pretty much the whole time! We still laugh about  how hard she cried when your friend tried to say hi to! Maybe we'll have better luck next time!
It was an amazing trip that we will never forget!
She likes pinching noses....weird little girl!
Cheese face! This is on our boat ride around the harbor.
She loves teasing Grandpa! It was so great to have them there on this trip!
I am in love with New York City!
The Statue of Liberty was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen!
We went to the Central Park Zoo the last day we were there, Mya had an absolute blast. She really loved the seals.
Here she is looking at the monkeys...we also loved those ones!
Rockefeller Center. So fun to see, now I just want to go back and see the Christmas tree!!
Newsies was incredible! I still can't believe I got to go see a real New York Broadway play with my favorite guy in the world...Nick!
Too bad this one turned out blurry! I was so sad! Riding the good old subway home from church!
I still can't believe that the temple is right in the midst of all these buildings! It was cool to see the gold Angel Moroni....something familiar in such an unfamiliar place.
Seeing the temple was totally amazing to me! I loved it!
 New York exceeded every single expectation I had! Seeing the City was amazing, it felt like we had stepped inside a movie!! Being able to come and see you at school was equally incredible. We hope that you know how much we love you and that we would do anything for you. We feel eternally grateful for the sweet gift you have given us and know we will never be able to repay you. Mya is the absolute JOY of our lives! She makes every single second of the day better, even on her naughty days! The amount of happiness that she brings us can't even begin to be described. Thank you for being so in tune with the Spirit and helping us to get her here to our family. We love you and we pray for you every day. Thank you again for letting us come to your place, we will never forget it! 

 This trip wouldn't have been possible without Nick's parents. They have been such a huge support to us. I feel like they were the PERFECT tour guides and allowed us to have experiences we wouldn't have been able to without them. They travel in a way that is completely incredible to me and I am so grateful to have them in our lives. They loved visiting with you at brunch and I know they love you because they sure do love their little Mya!
 This trip will go down as one of my most favorite trips ever!!