Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December 2015

Mya's magical elf Jovi comes around every year and has Mya do nice things for other people!

Festival of Trees!
Pizza night!! I wasn't feeling good so Nick took us all to dinner! 

Helping me make gifts! She learned how to tie a knot on this project! I love that she wants to help me with everything right now!

Preschool program!! 

Frosting cookies!

Poor Koby.....Nick's mom said his sisters used to do this to him too!!! LOL

Shes helped me wrap lots of presents!

Not a fun ending to our night! Poor little moo was so sick! Spent a couple hours in the ER after that she was feeling a bit better. I slept with her on the couch and she was so sweet as usual. Everytime she would wake up coughing (which was a lot) she would lean over and tell me how much fun she was having on the couch with me! 
These two are gingerbread house making pros!

More to come after Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

November 2015

First big snowfall of the season! Mya wasted no time getting her snow clothes on and running outside to play! We made lots of snow angels!!

Mya made these at church and she said that everytime she does something nice for someone she'll leave a smiley face! I found this one on her bed after she had made it all by herself!  

We rode the train to SLC to see Disney on Ice! Both of these princesses had a blast!! 

Tangled is our favorite!! 


We saw the Good Dinosaur on Thanksgiving!  
Dance party at Grammy Pammy's on Thanksgiving! 
Happy Thanksgiving!!