Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome baby Koby!

Koby James Jarrett 
October 24, 2014 2:42 AM
10.5 lbs, 23 inches
October 23 I got a call from Sierra telling me she was at the hospital in labor! Hooray!!!! Nick came home to be with Mya and I jetted to the Murray hospital!
Poor girl ended up having a c section.  After trying to get Koby out the good old fashioned way for several hours his heart kept dipping and they decided it was time to take this little guy (actually BIG guy) out another way! 
Sierra did great! She was pretty scared to have a c section but was willing to do whatever to get him out safely! They had to drug her up pretty good and it made her SO sick :(
At 2:42 AM on October 24 Koby James was born! After a while of the dr's tugging and pulling we finally realized why this guy was not coming out in a normal fashion! He was HUGE! Huge and sooooo cute! From the minute they pulled him out he had my heart!  I knew he was meant to come to our family and I loved him so much instantly! I was grateful to witness his arrival to Earth, it was incredible. 

Lol we all died when they put him on the scale! Such a big boy!

My first encounter with my little man! I love him more than words can say! I wondered if it might be different, if I could actually love him as much as Mya. Somehow I totally can!! Those two little angels are my life! 

Nick didn't get to be in the room for the delivery he actually waited in the hospital lobby for a chance to see his boy! The second he was placed in Nick's arms Koby opened his eyes and just stared at Nick! I know he KNEW his daddy from the very start!  It was a moment I will never forget! These 2 boys right here are the most important males in my life, I LOVE them! Nick is such an amazing dad and husband I know they will have the best relationship. I hope Nick can teach Koby how to treat the ladies well cause he sure knows how to do it! :) Me and Mya are spoiled queens by this amazing guy!

Proud daddy!
What a long amazing night! Im thankful that I got to experience this with Sierra! It was a night I will never forget!

Big sister right here!
They wouldn't allow kids in the labor and delivery room because of flu season. Mya had to wait until Sierra brought Koby home from the hospital before she was able to meet him and hold him!  This was such a sweet moment!!!!! Oct 27 Mya met her new brother! She was so sweet and gentle with him, it was a moment where I didn't think my heart could be any fuller! I have always dreamed of giving her a sibling and this was a dream come true moment! It was absolutely beautiful!!

Placement October 29, 2014.....

This day was hard yet so beautiful (you know you've been there). We had four of the hardest most stressful days as we awaited this actual placement. They were filled with a LOT of prayers and pleading from a LOT of people. We knew that we felt like Koby was meant to be in our home but we knew that decision was not up to us. I'm so thankful for the gospel!! Every Time I was about at my breaking point the Lord would give me one little glimmer of hope to keep me going whether that was a text message from a friend, sweet words from Mya, a phone call from our caseworker, a visit to see Koby, an unexplained sense of peace as I sat in the Temple. So many little and big tender mercies were shown to us through those extremely hard days as we prayed that Sierra would follow through with her plan and we would get to bring Koby home! I know she had angels helping her in that moment when she signed the papers. I know that the Lord heard and answered prayers that were offered on this side of the veil and the other. Prayer works, when faith replaces fear all things are possible. I know that Heavenly Fathers plan for us is much greater than we can even imagine and if we will have faith in him and do his will we will be blessed more than we can imagine. Life is not always fun and definitely not always fair but it is still somehow so wonderful! Thank heavens for adoption, not the way I thought I would get my family here but Heavenly Father knew how amazing this would be for us to experience! Much better than any plan I had for myself! I am thankful for my two sweet children and the two amazing ladies that brought them to us because I couldn't for some reason get them here on my own. I know I knew you both and I loved you before we ever met here on the Earth! Welcome to the family Koby James.....we sure love you!!!! 

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