Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Halloween 2017 - Koby is THREE

I came home from the gym and an eyelash appointment to find this from Nick and the kids. I LOVE everything Magnolia. This was such a sweet thing for my family to do for me! I sure got lucky! Nick drug three kids all the way to Target just to get this book for me! 

I love handwritten notes they are my favorite! 

Celebrating at Los Hermanos for Koby, Brandon and Brooke who all have birthdays in October!
Happy THIRD birthday to Koby James! Its hard to believe that he's been with us that long! I'm not going to lie this kid really gives us a run for our money almost hourly! If we are just hitting the terrible three's I'm scared out of my mind. Even though hes's a pain in the butt most days he can be such a sweetheart. He has a big heart and can love like no one else! I'm sure he'll grow up to be my sweet sensitive mama's boy! We all love him he keeps us laughing and always on our toes. Life would be very boring without this kid!!! We decided to get him out of his crib and into a big boy bed for his birthday! He is so excited about the cool loft bed we got for him. Nick got rid of his binky this month and we are also going to start potty training soon as well. He's getting so big! Since we had Fitz he's starting to talk lots, we can understand a whole lot more of it as well. He's a fun frustrating little dude! We love him so dang much!  Some things I want to remember about him at this age:

Loves: Cars, trucks, tractors, construction equipment, Mickey Mouse, watching kids you tube on Mya's I pad, reading scriptures with mom, playing anything with Mya, riding his bike, playing with his cars, crying about anything and everything, his Mickey Mouse blanket, to help me do chores.

Favorite things he says: "Are you kidding me mom" "You're not the boss of me" Sings "Oh my gosh look at mama's butt" "Koby's to onery to play right now"

I love that without fail every single night after story time he reminds me to read scriptures and say prayers with him!

Favorite color: Yellow

He can count to 10

Favorite food: Cinnamon sugar toast, yogurt, cheetos

Favorite shows: Little Einsteins, Chuggington, Robo Car Poli, Lego Ninja, Construction show

He is SO protective of all of us! If he thinks anyone is being mistreated he goes into full defense mode! Sometimes he attacks Nick when he hugs me! He is going to be a great brother for Mya and Fitz. People will not want to mess with them when he's around!

Koby's new bed!

Eating at his favorite pizza place for lunch!

Playing at Jakers Pumpkin Patch 

LOVES tractors!! We got to ride on one through the pumpkin patch!

A perfect fall day at the park! 


Ford's birthday party! He turned ONE on Halloween!

Story time in Koby's new big boy bed!

Terrance and Sierra came over to see Koby for his birthday. They carved pumpkins with us and had dessert. It was a great night!

Mya in her school Halloween parade! 

Nick's Yoda pumpkin in honor of Dylan turned out pretty cute!

Traditional Halloween Tepenyaki dinner with Nick's mom! 

Wookie, Princess Leia and a duck! 

This is the costume Mya wore when she was one! 

I thought this was so cute! It fits for both sets of Grandparents!

Letting balloons go to heaven for Aunt Brooke and Aunt April who both have birthdays in October. 

Koby can ride this bike so good now! He's going to be a pro by next spring! 

Cake and ice cream at my moms for all the October birthdays! My dad, Codie, Koby, April and Ford. 


  1. https://evierlindastayhealthybabe.blogspot.com/2018/03/anus-cancers-and-hpv.html

  2. Great! Kids enjoying Halloween is really cuter than I actually thought. Actual place to have happening parties are home studios NYC suggested by my friend for our family get together. Booked on my grand mom's birthday last month. Super amazing dinner and out of the world host services were provided.
